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The Best Supermarket Snacks to Pop in Your Work Bag

No time for cut carrots and hummus? These are the tried and tested supermarket snacks we recommend.

Serious Popcorn

We've all experienced the 2:30pm wander through the supermarket, our brains fried after a morning of work. We also know from experience the disappointment of arriving back to your desk after dropping $15 on snacks only to discover that they taste like cardboard, leaving you more unfulfilled (and $15 poorer) than when you set out. In order to alleviate said disappointment, we're here today to bring you our tried and tested edit of supermarket snacks that never fail to deliver. You're welcome. 



These scrummy sweets are the ultimate post-lunch dessert or 3pm treat. They can also be used as currency in the office to get coworkers to do your bidding - they're that good. The best part is that whilst they satisfy your craving for candy, they're also doing you much better than your standard supermarket packet. Each bag contains 7 grams of plant-based fibre (great for your gut!) and contain no added sugar, no sugar alcohols and are gluten-free! Our faves are the strawberries and cream, red frogs and sour peach hearts. 

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The Happy Snack Company

Crunchy Roasted Fav-va Beans by The Happy Snack Company 

When your next savoury snack craving hits, having a pack of Crunchy Roasted Fav-Va Beans (we recommend the balsamic vinegar and sea salt) will save your life. They come in handy packs of six so are perfect for your snack drawer stash. 

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Jiva Kombucha 

Sometimes if you're feeling peckish, it's not always food you're craving. Jiva's kombuchas are perfect when you're feeling the need for a 'little something'. These gorgeous bottles of 'buch are all handmade in Sydney with seven fun flavours up for grabs. 

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Byron Bay Cookies

Byron Bay Cookies

A staple of the Australian snack scene and a cafe counter regular, the humble Byron Bay Cookie makes for the perfect accompaniment to your office's inadequately stocked tea cabinet. Pop two or three for the ultimate afternoon snack. 

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Table of Plenty

Chocolate Covered Rice Cakes by Table of Plenty 

These little rice cakes seem to cover all bases. A little bit carby, a little bit sweet. There are a bunch of flavours up for grabs depending on your preferences - dark choc, caramel, berry and milk choc. If you fancy something a little more substantial, try popping a slice of banana and some peanut butter between two rice cakes. 

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Quest Bars 

For a nice little protein boost with a side of texture, pop a Quest bar in your bag. Need some flavour recs? Their new Dipped Cookies & Cream and Dipped Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough bars are extra yummy. 

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Tamari Almonds (Image Credit: The Wanabe Chef)

Tamari Almonds

These bad boys make for an impeccable mid-morning snack. A little bit salty, a little bit crunchy and the capacity to actually keep you full. What more could you want? Our favourite are the Woolies ones. Buy a big bag, share them around and we guarantee you'll be renowned as an office snack lord. 

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Serious Popcorn

Serious Popcorn

This popcorn isn't just housed in some of the cutest packaging we've seen to date, but it's also made from organic corn and contains no chemical nasties. And that's not to say it's boring! A range of fun flavours are available with options from dark chocolate drizzle to real butter. 

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Yo Pro


If you're looking for a snack that will keep you full and up your protein intake for the day, YoPro is it. Each pot or pouch contains 15g of protein and the flavour options are diverse. Simply elite. 

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Loco Love

Loco Love Chocolates 

We're not going to lie. Vegan chocolate doesn't always live up to its dairy-filled counterpart BUT this particular brand is notably better than the real thing. It's ethical, vegan and organic and their peanut butter caramel flavour truly tastes better than a snickers. Each flavour is also packed with superfoods so the late arvo guilt need not make its presence known. 

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Loving this edit of the best supermarket snacks to pack for your next day in the office? Prep for the weekend with our edits of the best alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks on the market. 

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