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  • This Luxury Serum Targets Hyperpigmentation Without Breaking the Bank

This Luxury Serum Targets Hyperpigmentation Without Breaking the Bank

Powered by potent anti-dark spot ingredients, L’Oréal Paris’ new state-of-the-art serum is a must for those wanting brighter, more even skin tone.

L'Oréal Paris

We’ve partnered with L’Oréal Paris to share the news of their new Bright Reveal 10% Niacinamide Serum, a high-performance - yet affordable - serum that helps brighten the skin and fight hyperpigmentation.

It’s safe to say that the expectations for our skincare have never been so high -  and with living costs on the rise, our skincare needs are more demanding than ever and smart investments are key! 

The quest for a product to help achieve radiant, even-toned skin, while also fighting the good fight against hyperpigmentation, can feel overwhelming, but there’s a new serum making waves - and it’s not hard to see why.

L’Oréal Paris Bright Reveal 10% Niacinamide Serum is designed to tackle hyperpigmentation without compromising your budget. The innovative, scientifically-proven serum - that's also validated by dermatologists - harnesses the power of potent anti-dark spot ingredients (like niacinamide and amino-sulfonic acid) to illuminate the complexion, and visibly reduce the appearance of post-acne marks, age spots and sunspots. 

Here, we delve into the science behind the skincare - and why it’s a must-have for savvy spenders and beauty buffs alike.

What Causes Hyperpigmentation?

A pesky skin problem, there are several culprits behind the appearance of dark spots on the skin. The most common are age and sun exposure, but hyperpigmentation can also be caused by spots and blemishes, harsh chemicals and even hormonal fluctuations.

Often showing as brown patches or areas that don’t match your normal skin colour, preventative skincare - like wearing broad-spectrum, high-SPF sunscreen every day - goes a long way.

However, if hyperpigmentation and dark spots have already settled in, there are a few ingredients that work wonders when it comes to brightening, lightening and evening the skin.

L'Oréal Paris

Beloved by dermatologists the world over, niacinamide is known for its brightening benefits. It also happens to be the hero ingredient in L’Oréal Paris’ Bright Reveal 10% Niacinamide Serum, which has been formulated to combat the three main types of dark spots: age spots, sunspots and post-acne marks.

Niacinamide: The Skincare Superhero Fighting Dark Spots

A form of vitamin B3, niacinamide isn’t naturally produced by the body, so is a valuable addition to a skincare routine. The brightening ingredient helps target the negative ageing effects of UV rays. It has also been proven to preserve hydration, strengthen the skin moisture barrier and reduce visible redness when used regularly. 

Niacinamide is also incredibly gentle, making it suitable for even those with the most sensitive skin. 

L’Oréal Paris Bright Reveal 10% Niacinamide Serum is formulated with7.5% niacinamide, as well as 2.5% amino-sulfonic acid, a gentle exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and reveals a more even skin tone. 

L'Oréal Paris

The high-performance, dermatologically-validated serum - which retails for $59.99 (but is often on sale through Chemist Warehouse) - is scientifically proven, with skin more radiant and skin texture looking more refined after just three days of use*. In two weeks, it visibly reduces dark spots** and improves skin texture***.

After one month of use, all types of dark spots are visibly minimised, with the skin becoming more even****.

The Ultimate Brightening Skincare Routine

Not just super-effective, the serum is ultra-comfortable to use, with a non-sticky, non-oily, non-comedogenic texture. Suitable for all skin types, it can be used both morning and night. 

Apply three to four drops of the L’Oréal Paris Bright Reveal 10% Niacinamide Serum after cleansing to the face and neck, allowing the serum to set before applying moisturiser. 

Be sure to follow with SPF protection as part of your normal morning skincare routine.

Ready to reveal a brighter you? Click here to find out more about L’Oréal Paris Bright Reveal Niacinamide Serum.

* Consumer test, 87 subjects, after 3 days of twice-daily usage

** Consumer test, 87 subjects, after 3 days of twice-daily usage

*** Cosmeto-clinical study, 85 subjects, after 2 weeks of twice daily usage

**** Cosmeto-clinical study, 48 subjects, after 4 weeks of twice daily usage

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